Dhanyamla Dhara

In this treatment the whole body is poured over with fermented liquids (from cereals or herbs). The term is composed of three words: dhānya, which means “grain” (but can also include herbs), amla, which means “sour”, i.e. fermented, and dhārā, which means “pouring” or “stream”.
Since the fermented liquids used are quite warm, Dhanyamla Dhara belongs to the fomentation treatments.

Before Dhanyamla Dhara, an Abhyanga (full body oleation) is usually given. Afterwards, the fermented liquid is poured over the body using small pots.

This treatment is recommended for stiffness, rheumatoid arthritis as well as neurological and neuromuscular disorders. Dhanyamla Dhara stimulates agni (the digestive fire) and helps to reduce and eliminate ama(metabolic toxins) (lekhana therapy) without provoking Vata (can therefore also be used during Purvakarma (first phase of a Panchakarma cure)).
Dhanyamla Dhara is also used when the body is not yet ready for intensive oil treatments, such as Pizhichil.

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